Inspired by the idea that all South African youth must know about the Constitution and what it means for them – Brand South Africa launched the second instalment of the #InspiredByMyConstitution campaign.
General Manager for Marketing at Brand South Africa Ms Sithembile Ntombela said: “This campaign comes at a time when youth in South Africa are standing up, taking their issues to the streets, to gain attention and immediate responses from government and society at large.. They are demanding change that will open opportunities for them to improve their socio-economic status and quality of life”
“We wanted to look at the subject matter of our Constitution from the point of view of young people by tapping into pop culture in order to amplify the message in a fun, persuasive,, culturally relevant and informative way.” Whilst the campaign is fun, it also delivers everyday realities of the constitution.
Brand South Africa anchored the #InspiredByMyConstitution campaign on the increased exposure to socio-political dynamics playing out in the country which have given rise to youth activism through the power of hashtags such as #FeesMustFall, #BringBackOurGirls and #SayNoXenophobia. The integrated campaign will further unpack the responsibility associated with freedom of expression and other pillars of the Constitution.
The campaign seeks to inspire young people by showcasing everyday manifestations of the Constitution of South Africa. Bringing this objective to life through a series of web films are celebrity social influencers Gemini Major – a Malawian-born record producer and singer-songwriter; Imraan Christian – a photographer and filmmaker whose work is deeply rooted in activism, whose rise came about during the #FeesMustFall protests; as well as Letoya Makhene – a renowned actress, singer and TV personality, who is well-known for various roles in some of South Africa’s famous soap operas, Isidingo and Generations.
The three social influencers share their real life stories by expressing how the South African Constitution protects their rights with regards to freedom of equality, freedom of expression and freedom of belief respectively.
Ntombela added: “Through the social influencer strategy, we aim to frame the Constitution within conversations about politics, fashion, music, comedy and entertainment thereby driving home the idea that the Constitution enables people to live the life they want and deliver on the Nation Brand’s promise that South Africa is inspiring ways.
“The campaign intends to foster greater respect and appreciation for the Constitution and the role that it plays in our individual lives as well as its impact on society as a whole. Considered as the best Constitution in the world, ours is a Constitution that not only protects the rights of all its citizens, but it also speaks out for the voiceless.” concluded Ntombela.
Other elements of the campaign include digital banners, billboards, on-the-ground-activations, outdoor and radio.
Click link to view Imraan Christian’s #InspiredByMyConstitution web-film which launched today: https://youtu.be/vAZhG3UXJfQ
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