
Since its last visit in 2018, so much has changed, the world of entertainment and live stage shows particularly. The Drakensberg Boys Choir has endured and triumphed, adapting and utilising new tools to bring its music to audiences online. There is, however, nothing like a live show, and there is nothing like seeing the Drakies, as they are affectionately known, live on a magnificent stage.

Touring has been severely impacted over the last 2 years, and the boys have not been able to bring their special magic to Johannesburg audiences until now.

Pre Concert Cocktail Party starts at 18h00

The Mandela at Joburg Theatre is a venue perfectly suited to the varied repertoire of the choir. From Vivaldi and Mozart to an Ipi Ntombi medley, Ed Sheeran and Andrew Lloyd Webber, to Imagine Dragons and Maroon 5 before interval and then a second half of foot stomping, drum beating, gumboot dancing, pulse of Africa music, there are few choirs that can match the versatility and excellence of these young men.

Worldwide there are many schools with boys’ choirs, but the Drakensberg Boys Choir is unique globally: a boarding school using choral music as a significant vehicle for holistic education. The mission of the Drakensberg Boys Choir School is to prepare boys for life and leadership through excellence in music, academics, physical development and social enrichment, in a Christian environment.

From Presidents to the Pope to full concert halls and intimate gatherings in caves or in the open air, the Drakensberg Boys’ Choir has seen it all. The magic of our music will not be silenced, as we continually strive to bring our audiences a world class experience, whether it be in a stadium packed to capacity or our own auditorium, in the Valley of Music.

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