PopUpGym has officially partnered with the global fitness brand adidas to bring you adidasPopUpGym. It is a health and fitness movement that encourages people to train anywhere, anytime while having fun at the same time through boutique fitness activations at unique outdoor venues where you typically would not find people exercising. This is to continue driving the message that exercise can take place anywhere, anytime. Unique venues such as the Montecasino Piazza are the perfect playground for such activations.
The first official 2017 event is this coming Saturday 25th February from 7am until 11am on the Montecasino Piazza. Registration will be from 7 – 8am with optional body assessments taking place at the same time. The workout begins at 8am. There will be 3 exciting, fun workouts (Jab Kick, Zumba and Afromix Dance Fitness) coupled with healthy eating advice and a smoothie and juicing demo. This will run until 11am. The last hour will allow those who missed the body assessments in the morning to take up the opportunity to know what their weight, fat percentage & muscle mass are.
For the first time, there will be a PopUpGym Kidz corner for ages 6 – 12 running concurrently to the adult program. The kids line-up includes the following:
- Height & weight measurements (know your child’s physical ability)
- Hygiene education (basic hygiene to ensure healthy living)
- Kids dance & fitness games (tap your feet with smiles & bliss; exercise isn’t boring)
- Healthy bites (diet assessment & nutrition for kids)
- Plyometrics (jumping, jouncing, bumping, bouncing)
- Yoga (increases breathing capacity & ultimate relaxation)
Adult Tickets cost R200 and kids tickets cost R100 and can be booked via Quicket or on www.popupgymsa.co.za.